Remember what it was like to be 11 years old? Not a child anymore, but not quite a teenager? While budding independence, confidence and possibilities of a bright future are common for many girls this age, Karisma’s life was one of despair.
By age 11, she was not only cooking, cleaning and taking care of her younger siblings, she was living as an adult in every sense. Unable to attend school because of her responsibilities, she was isolated – defenseless.
While enduring the treacherous 4-hour climb down the mountain to get firewood several times a week was excruciating, the continual rape by her father as her mother was away working was even more devastating to young Karisma.
This is when you stood in the gap…
Truly, childhood was something Karisma had never known, until the partners of Answer International found her.
Now, that life is only a dim memory for Karisma, not her future. Because of freedom loving people who believe in the sanctity of childhood, Karisma is safe and secure – living as a child should be allowed to live.
Karisma has not only tasted cake, ice cream and chocolate for the first time, she enjoyed her very first birthday party – a dream come true for a child once living in total darkness and despair. She loves school and has become the joy of Answer International’s New Leaf girls home in Nepal. Loved, nurtured and treasured, Karisma now extends these gifts to each and every new girl Answer rescues there.
Her loving host family is excited to see her development because they know this new role of “big sister” was not forced on her. Karisma does this because it brings her great joy and satisfaction to see more girls set free from the chains she was once enslaved by.
Karisma has been transformed in every way a little girl can be. Her eyes are shining bright with happiness and joy. She is excelling in school and has a dream to share the love of Jesus Christ with the hopeless in her nation as an advocate for abused women.
Does the idea of many more girls like Karisma being redeemed from sexual slavery bring you joy as well? Your monthly commitment, or your one-time gift, turns that idea into reality. Please partner with Answer International today.
*Survivor’s picture has been changed for her protection*
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